Saturday, April 16, 2011

Live For Today

James 4:13-15

The blood of Jesus Christ has freed us from two terrible vices: yesterday and tomorrow. Our yesterdays can hold us in guilt and regret. The guilt is over sins that we committed and mistakes that we made and the regret is for things that we could have and should have done, but we did not for one reason or the other. Our yesterdays loom large because they always scream, “What might have been!” Christ’s death removed all condemnation over yesterday, setting us free from this prison of guilt and regret (Romans 8:1).

The other terrible vice is tomorrow. Tomorrow has yet to come, so it holds limitless possibilities and potential for great error. Because the enemy always emphasizes our weaknesses, our tomorrow’s can paralyze us with fear and torment, scaring us away from taking chances today, for fear that we will ruin that tomorrow. Christ’s blood at Calvary was to assure us eternal life and the ever-cleansing power of forgiveness of sins. In Jesus there is no fear of tomorrow, for it is in His hands.

James warned, “Ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away” (James 4:14). This warning is to people who put off for tomorrow what they should take care of today, namely their eternal soul. So many people in this world are putting off thinking about eternity because they feel that they have all of the time in the world. We know that people die tragically every day, but we never actually think that it will be us. We all think that we will die old in our beds, with plenty of time to ponder our eternal destination. While some get this opportunity, all do not, and James reminds us that it will all be over very soon.

Living in the moment is allowing Jesus to take the reins of life and captain your vessel. Your past is checkered and spotted, but none of that matters in Christ, for He has removed the sin. Your future is uncertain in human terms but is all secure in the skillful hands of the Father. Rest where you are, for that is where He is!

I spent a portion of my life always wondering if there was something else. I dreamed of living somewhere else and doing something different. I was very insecure about who I was and always thinking that I could be better if I were someone else. Every passing moment of everyday is another chance to change everything, so I began to live by that thought. If I am unhappy with something, I cannot live in regret as to how I got there, and I can’t fear what tomorrow might hold, but I can do something today.

If you are unhappy with yourself; fix it. If you want more knowledge; get it. The possibilities are endless for you, because you are a child of the King. He has great things for you and He wants you to reign in this life through the finished work of His Son Jesus Christ. Stop living in the past and stop putting everything off until tomorrow. Start now and you are one day closer to being where you want to go.