Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not What You Do, But Who You Are

Romans 14:17-18

When the Bible refers to the Kingdom of God, it is rarely speaking of Heaven. Most often, it is talking about that composite whole that makes up the Christian experience, not to be attained down the road, but to be witnessed within the heart and life of each child of God.

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, ‘Lo here!’ or, ‘Lo there!’ For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20, 21). The Greek word that Jesus uses for “within you” is ‘entos’ meaning, “in the midst”. The kingdom of God had already been promised to David and spoken of by the prophets, but Israel would reject it. Now, the kingdom of God lives in the hearts of men; someday it will come in the clouds (verse 24).

If the kingdom of God is within us, then what does Jesus mean when He says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33)? It the kingdom of God is within us, yet we are still seeking that kingdom first and foremost, how can these things be?

The answer is completed in Paul’s writing to the church at Rome, while speaking about what men can eat and drink now that they are saved. Some thought it was wrong to eat certain meats because they had been forbidden in Judaism, while others thought that it was fine. Paul doesn’t just come out and say “Eat this” or “Don’t eat this”; instead he offers that believers under grace live by a higher set of standards than this.

“For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost” (Romans 14:17). You have the Holy Ghost living inside of you as a believer, so your life is greater than arguments over “right and wrong”. Instead, you are to follow after that which identifies with the three characteristics that you have inside of you: righteousness, peace and joy.
If the decision that you are about to make brings no peace and joy, avoid it! You are the righteousness of God in Christ, so you live by that which speaks to the righteousness of God in you. When there is a feeling of death or disturbance about a situation, it is the Holy Ghost in you ministering to you so that you will move away from the issue. We do not need a list of “Do’s and Don’ts”; we have the Holy Ghost!

“For he that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men” (Romans 14:18). This next verse tell us that if we serve Christ by going after that which ministers to righteousness, peace and joy in our hearts then this is “acceptable to God” and we will be “approved of men”. This world cannot help but gravitate towards believers who go after peace and joy. These believers are not full of hate and condemnation and sinners move naturally toward that flow of love, for it is most like Jesus.

I have heard some preachers comment that if the world approves of you then you are doing something wrong. Don’t listen to such nonsense, especially in light of Paul’s statement that believers that follow after the kingdom of God in their hearts will have the approval of men. May we believers be known more for who we are than for what we do. Only then will we properly represent our Heavenly Father and have all things added to us.