Monday, July 19, 2010

Under the Curse

Galatians 3:10-13

When Jesus died on the cross, He took all of our sins into His body, but He also took upon Himself the curse that accompanied the law. That curse could not come upon Jesus for His own law-breaking, for He had none, so it came upon Him because at Calvary, Jesus took our place. What was meant to come upon the whole of humanity was put upon Christ with full force at the cross. The curse was death, and its application on Jesus freed the rest of us from torment.

Paul wrote to the Galatians, “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us” (Galatians 3:13). Not only did Jesus take the curse intended for law-breakers, but He actually became the cursed object at Calvary. As the perfect sacrifice, He became the object of scorn for the wrath of God, and literally, the lightning rod for God’s judgment. The fullness of that punishment gave liberty to all of those who would accept Jesus by faith, thus coming under His wonderful grace.

When a believer sins, they do not fall out of God’s grace, nor do they go under the curse of the law. They can’t fall from God’s grace for they are positioned under grace, not above it (Romans 6:14). At the same time, while under His grace, they are truly surrounded by it, for Paul told us that if there is an abundance of sin, there is a super-abundance of grace (Romans 5:20). This means that when the believer fails, they do not fall from grace, but rather they fall into grace!

Failure by a saint does not put them back under the curse of the law either, for Jesus has already been made the curse for us. He fulfilled the law in its entirety; therefore no failure on your part can put any portion of the curse on you. If Jesus had failed to completely finish the work at the cross, there would be something left to be done by you and I, but thank God He meant it when He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30).

How does one go back under the curse of the law? Paul makes it clear that “As many as are of the works of the law are under the curse” (Galatians 3:10). He does not say that if you fail to keep the law you are under the curse, for we know that is why Jesus became the curse. Instead, he emphasizes that everyone who works the law to achieve righteousness is going back to their own performance of the law, and they must suffer the curse that accompanies failure. Why would we want to take upon us that which Jesus has already taken upon Himself? Why would we desire to seek justification by our ability, when Jesus has freely justified us based upon His finished work?

It takes no faith to live according to the letter of the law; it simply takes obedience (Galatians 3:12). You can obey the instructions of the law and not even like it. You can obey the law and have no heart change. You can obey the law and hate the law-giver! You cannot help but rejoice in pure righteousness, and have a change of heart and fall in love with Jesus when you receive His free gift of salvation and sanctification by faith and none of it comes from your talent.

You are not cursed believer, for Jesus was cursed for you. That which is blessed cannot be cursed so reject the lie from Satan that you have been hexed or any such foolishness. Take your stand in the knowledge that Jesus bore your curse so that you can always bear His blessing!

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