Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Am Not Ashamed of Good News

Romans 1:16, 17

The word “gospel” means, “good news”. When Paul speaks of the gospel of Jesus Christ, he is speaking of the good news of Jesus’ finished work at the cross. What Christ did at Calvary was so awesome, so wonderful, so complete, that it must be considered not only good news, but the best news that the world could ever hear.

Paul was beginning to take criticism and false accusations because he was preaching so much good news (Romans 3:8), but he had become convinced that there was no other way of salvation for Gentile or Jew. Because of that he decides that he will not be ashamed to speak this truth again (Romans 1:16). If the great Apostle Paul was not ashamed to preach of a good God, who loves you unconditionally, then why would we fear this message?

The good news is the power of God to see people saved. Paul writes one chapter later, “the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance” (Romans 2:4). His goodness leads men to change their minds about God. When Peter falls on his face at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord” (Luke 5:8), do you think this admission came after a hell, fire and brimstone message on the sinful condition of Peter’s heart? No! It came after Jesus blessed Peter’s fishing party with so many fish that their nets broke from the load. It was Jesus’ goodness that caused Peter to repent.

The word “salvation” implies “deliverance, safety, preservation, healing and wholeness”. The good news not only saves you from an eternity in hell, but it makes you whole while you are here. Jesus promised us not only eternal life but abundant life (John 10:10). We are to reign in this life, now! (Romans 5:17)

Some people fear the message of pure grace because they worry that grace preaching will not teach people to live right. Paul says in Romans 1:17 that when we are saved, God’s righteousness is revealed in us “from faith to faith”. As we continue our faith walk, He brings His holiness out of us. Holiness cannot be added on the outside, it must come out of the heart, and the grace that is in us will teach us how to produce the results that we have always wanted.

Paul concludes these two verses by quoting from Habakkuk 2:4, “The just shall live by faith”. As Christians, we are not living to pile up good marks with God, so that we can get into the pearly gates. Nor are we shunning the evil so that we are not tainted by the sin of the world. Our lives are wrapped up in Jesus Christ and His finished work. In Him we live, and move, and have our being (Acts 17:28), and we live our lives through Him (1 John 4:9). This is only possible by simple faith in Jesus, because we are near sin, and sometimes we commit it. We do not always do the good and shun the evil, though we desire to so fervently. It is for these reasons that our lives must be lived out through faith in Jesus.

Let grace bring wholeness and rest to your life today. Realize that as your faith continues in Christ, His righteousness will come out in the way that you live that life. Relax in Jesus, for He has saved your soul. Peace go with you today.

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