Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to Reign in Life

Romans 5:17

Did you know that it is God’s will for you to reign in this life? It is His plan for you to receive abundant grace and favor and for you to partake in His wonderful gift of righteousness. If death is so powerful by one man’s offence (Adam’s sin), then what Jesus paid for on Calvary’s cross is even more powerful for those who accept it.

All of grace must be accepted; thus mixed with faith on the part of the recipient. God works based upon our faith in Christ. There is no such thing as “universal salvation”, where everyone is saved because of Jesus’ finished work. Without the sinner believing that Jesus paid for them then they will live their lives trying to pay for their eternity on their own. When the unbeliever dies they will then be forced to stand on their own merit; whether or not they were able to keep God’s law to perfection. Since all of us have sinned after our first father Adam, no one can stand in confidence on that final judgment day, without having placed faith in Jesus.

By believing on Jesus, you are receiving Him as your Savior. You must then accept and receive all of His grace for you. Even after conversion, many saints go into a system of works to try to achieve things from God. No work saved you, so how can any work improve you? (Galatians 3:3). Receive from Him, “abundance of grace” and then let grace be what defines you.

The word for “grace” is ‘khares’, which is translated “favor”. The believer that accepts God’s abundant grace is accepting favor in their life. This means that the Christian is favored by God in every area. There will be no room for us to feel as if we have accomplished some great thing when we see all blessings as the favor of God. We recognize that we are not favored because of our own right actions or our good moral character, but the favor comes through Jesus and His righteousness in us. Accept His favor and Jesus gets all of the glory, while you get all of the blessings!

The other part that is ours for the taking is the “gift of righteousness”. The “gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Romans 11:29), which promises us that God’s gift of righteousness that He gives to us because of our faith in His Son cannot and will not be repealed by our lack of righteousness. We receive this as a gift because we acknowledge that we have no righteousness on our own that is worth presenting to our Father. We wear the robes of righteousness because Jesus was made naked at the cross. We get it without our works because of His finished work.

Learn to attribute everything in your life to the favor of God. This will take the focus off of your ability; your intelligence; your morality; and onto Jesus and what He has paid for. You are highly favored of God because the blood of Jesus was so pure, perfect and powerful. It is for “Christ’s sake” that you are even forgiven (Ephesians 4:32) and it is for His sake that you have all things (Ephesians 1:7).

Begin the practice even today of accepting and walking in God’s abundant grace and favor for you!

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